Saturday, February 03, 2007

Thai Trips to Australia go off the Boil

while Thai visitor numbers may rise in 2007, astrong Australian dollar is deterring many travellers, who are looking for a cheaper deal. Growth of Slightly over 4% to reach 5.7 million arrivals, whille Tourism Australia's Thailand office manager claims the Kingdom's contribution will jump 10% next year.

A stronger Australian dollar compared to curred to currencies in its source markets, hight oil prices, the rapid expansion of low cost carrier routes in Asia, and a decline in aviation capacity are expected to dampen the number of visitors to Australia.

Tourism Australia's Thailand office manager, Thongchai Wibulsaksakul, expect a 10% growth in Thai departures to Australia next year due to a strength ening bath. Crude oil prices are also dropping, prompting more Thais to embark on long haul journeys, he siad.

However, this year's outbound tally might tumble to around 5% due to internal political problems, soaring fuel costs and flooding. In 2007, Tourist Australia will focus on an integrated marketing plan to be lanched in Feburuary. He said It would concentrate on experience seekers who could afford and preferred in depth travel. it would be supported by soft asventures exploring the country, its lifestyles and natural attractions.

There were 4,800 Thai visitors, during September 2006, bringing the nine - month 2006 total to 55,800 a decrease of 6%.

Source from: FR weekly
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